Back-to-School Fundraiser 2024
Help us raise $15,000 so we can provide 300 children with backpacks, school supplies, and the essential items they need to thrive this school year.
$22,022 raised
$15,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Help us raise funds to ensure children and families in San Francisco have the resources and supplies they need to thrive this school year!
For many parents/caregivers, purchasing their child’s school supplies can be challenging and stressful. With your help, Family Connections can provide 300 children entering grades K-5 with backpacks, school supplies, and essential items.
When children are prepared for the school year with a backpack full of the necessary materials, they gain a sense of independence and increase their self-esteem. By supporting families this school year, we can reduce the barriers that prevent children’s ability to learn and succeed.
Help families feel confident and secure this August by donating.
Thank you for supporting Family Connections!